Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Just Another Crowd

I like our gym.

It's 24 hours. It's clean. And there are no showers or pool, so it's pretty inexpensive.

I always try to go during the quiet hours when there are only a few people around. At 6:30 in the morning, it's usually me and a couple soccer moms. If we're lucky though, we're joined by the token 40-something male that shows up, runs on the treadmill super hard for five minutes, then weighs himself before leaving. Every gym has one. If you don't have one that is cardio-oriented, you have the guy that drops weights from chest height, then coughs repeatedly to remind everyone he's still there.

Recently, I discovered that the owner is running a $33/month promotion for anyone looking to join in December, January or February. So, what was once me and a few others is now fifteen others and me staying in bed.

I decided after a couple weeks of off-time, I'd go back to see if it's cooled off.
  • Last week: Half of Cranberry getting their pre-Thirsty Thursday swell on.
  • Sunday during the Steelers game: Geriatric hour.
  • Tuesday after work: It was packed, but that's based on my view driving past.

Aside from the gym, December has gone by so fast. A whirlwind, really.

I think I'm done with gifts. This year, I tried to either buy local or get stuff that was handmade on Etsy or some place similar. I mostly succeeded.

I did buy a 1940-something Griswold Colonial Breakfast Skillet. I was going to give this piece of cast iron goodness to Ian, but decided to just keep it instead.

Breakfast is best cooked simultaneously in threes.

I hope everyone gets to spend their Christmas with friends and family this year. Be safe.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Better Days

Repeal Day is today. The BOARD (Brotherhood of Appreciating Repeal Day) celebrates the twenty-first amendment at its annual event in Sharon tonight. 

About 450 people will dress in 1930's fashion then dance and drink all evening. All dollars go to the Shenango River Watchers, which really is a great group. We've been going for about four years and even became a donor of the once-prohibited brew, last year. Weekend or not, it's always held on December 5th. At the beginning of the night, the BOARD gathers on stage, rings a bell and announces "At last, at last. Better days are here at last."

Unfortunately, we'll have to wait a little longer for those days to come around again.

Frank passed away on Monday. 

We knew it was coming soon, but it's no less difficult to accept. Calling hours are tonight.

I feel for Jason. He lost his mother a few years ago, and now his father. Just weeks ago, he took so much time to listen and pay attention to stuff going on in my life, all while he rode his bike to the hospital for visitation. Such concern and compassion coming from him. A true friend.

I woke up at 2:30 this morning and thought about it more. Then, some more. And for the first time in a couple days, it really started affecting me. So, I got up and started writing this, thinking I would have more to write about, but I really don't. I think Bill Watterson may do better...